
Sunday, December 19, 2004

Stop reading my mind!

I'm sure most everyone has heard the Dimebag Darrell story by now. As tragic as that whole ordeal is for everyone directly involved, I have a weird tie-in. About three years ago, I wrote a story about an obsessed heavy metal fan who kills a musician for breaking apart his favorite band. It was a beheading instead of a gunshot, but still kind of eerie. Ok, an odd coincidence, but I can pass it off as something bound to happen at some point along the line.

But last night I saw an ad on tv for this crazy device from Febreze. Kind of a cd player for the nose, it runs through different potpourri smells, changing the scent every 30 minutes or so. A story I've been shopping around for several months now is about a painter who switches to using scents to create works of art and tell stories.

It's a good thing I'm not paranoid, otherwise I'd start believing I'm a crazy prophet or something. Like celebrity deaths, these synchroncities seem to happen to me in threes. So I'm wondering which of my other stories will come to life in the real world. I hoping either for my story on the bottomless hole a caver falls into, or the one in which an unfinished story comes to life in physical form and attacks the author for not writing the ending.



LadyLitBlitzin said...

Wow, that's cool in an eerie kind of way! I'm a little afraid of the one where the story kills the author for not finishing, needless to say. ;)

Hebdomeros said...

It was my way of yelling at myself for not writing more. Kind of a throw-away piece, but it was fun to write.

LadyLitBlitzin said...

I think that's great!