
Friday, February 04, 2005

Some Housecleaning

These are some random tidbits I've been meaning to blog about for a few days.

First off, Andy Singer's coming out with a collection of his No Exit comics. If you're not familiar with him, he's a somewhat underground comic artist with a strip syndicated in some independant papers across the country. Picture a slightly edgier, more nihilistic version of Zippy the Pinhead with some Gary Larson thrown in, and you're on the right track. Congrats to Singer, though. He has a unique style and he deserves more attention than he gets.

Second, and somewhat related, I added a link for the Comics Curmudgeon. It's a fun blog the deconstructs and pokes fun at the daily comic strips. I think, but I'm not positive, that he hangs in Baltimore. It's good fun if you like comics. Thanks to Anonymous L for telling me about it.

Third, Random House has put together a really good author site for Haruki Murakami. Murakami is in the running for the top spot in my favorite writers lineup, based solely on his novel The Windup Bird Chronicles. Although the buzzword of New Wave Fabulists is dying down somewhat, I can think of no other living author that exemplifies the ideas of it. I have a collection of his novellas set up in my to-read pile, and will hopefully get to it soon. His new novel Kafka on the Shore is getting pretty favorable reviews in Salon, NY Times, and the Washington Post. The author site is very well done, and contains good descriptions of his work, reviews, and a fan section.

Lastly, I think I need to order this. Oddball pomo musician John Zorn doing Lovecraft/Crowley inspired music sounds almost too good to be true.



LadyLitBlitzin said...

You have so got to blog about the Zorn CD when you get it. That looks like a hoot.

The other day I was looking at my Conjunctions issue that's called The New Wave Fabulists and thinking, man, I wish I was a New Wave Fabulist.

I certainly don't think I am. When I look back on my work for the most part, I still think it's "relationship horror"... hahaha.

Hebdomeros said...

Relationship Horror is not a bad tagline, though. I'm still searching for mine.

I love that issue of Conjunctions, although it didn't blow me away as much as it did some people. A lot of people in it I've been reading for quite some time, or at least knew of pretty well by name. The only surprise for me was Gene Wolf, who I now feel stupid for not being aware of. I'm glad the people like Mieville and Straub were able to get wider exposure beyond the genres they're put in and show they really can write.

If you really like that issue, you might check out the Leviathan anthologies. The first one is really good, and contains a lot of the same authors.